Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Apply to YoungArts Program

A Message From Robert Redford About YoungArts
There is a moment in any young artist’s life where they ask the question: am I good enough? In that moment of crisis, they need encouragement to follow their dream; they need a mentor who can tell them that yes, they are good enough; another artist to tell them that their talent is real. It took me a long time to be as focused, as sure, and as committed as I am today as an artist. If it weren’t for the mentors who led me through my moments of doubt, I would not be where I am today.

As a YoungArts Master Teacher, I have personally seen how YoungArts has helped foster the exceptional talent of young artists who come through the YoungArts program. I have seen this not only through the mentorship the program provides, but also through the amazing opportunities they give to these young artists, such as:

•    cash awards of up to $10,000 ($500,000+ awarded each year)
•    facilitating access to significant scholarships from colleges
     (approximately $75 million in the past two years)
•    an exclusive path to nomination as a U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts
•    lifetime access to career opportunities and a network of 20,000+ alumni
•    a chance to appear on the Emmy-nominated HBO series YoungArts MasterClass

If you know any literary, visual, design or performing artists (ages 15-18 or grades 10-12) in your school, I urge you to encourage them to apply to this life-changing program. For more information on the application process, visit youngarts.org/apply.

This short video, featuring alumni and master teachers such as Josh Groban, Judith Hill, Andrew Rannells, Wynton Marsalis, Frank Gehry and Renée Fleming, says it all.

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