Thursday, April 28, 2016

Nipmuc School Counseling Center News - May

We’re in the home stretch! Term 4 is well underway and seniors are just a few weeks away from graduation. In the School Counseling Center, we are just about finished with course registration for next year and are looking forward to finalizing student schedules before the end of this year. Students who have concerns or questions about their classes for next year can feel free to schedule appointments with their counselors.
Coming up in May…

May 2: AP Exams begin - click here to see a schedule.

May 3: Breakfast with the Counselors for Parents of Seniors - Leaving the Nest: As a teenager graduates from high school and leaves for college, parents can feel numerous different emotions related to this and the upcoming transition to college or the workforce. Please join the Nipmuc School Counseling Staff in the PDC from 8:00am-9:00am for a discussion about changing family dynamics and the social emotional impact of this transition. Please RSVP to Janis Grady at if you plan to attend. Hope to see you then!

May 5: Deadline to register for the June 4th SAT: Click here to register.

May 6: Deadline to register for the June 11th ACT: Click here to register.

May 7: SAT Test Day

Reminder to seniors and parents of seniors: All scholarship opportunities are posted in Naviance. More are posted each day and deadlines are starting to come up. Please submit your applications to Mrs. Hefez by the Naviance deadlines!

For information about all senior events this spring, click here.

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Warm Weather is Here...It's Time to Get Outside!

Now that the weather is getting warmer, it's time to dust off those sneakers and get outside! 

Physical activity is a very important part of your overall wellness and it isn't just about lifting weights at the gym or running drills at practice, there are many different ways to be active outside this spring! suggests aiming for 30 minutes of physical activity every day. But what defines physical activity? The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) summarizes physical activity as "any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy than resting." The NHLBI categorizes physical activity into four main types: aerobic, muscle-strengthening, bone-strengthening, and stretching. 

The spring is all about the start of something fresh and new, so why not make this the perfect time to get outside and start moving?! Not every physical activity you do has to be high intensity. A short walk around your neighborhood after dinner or throwing a ball outside with your pet after school or work are great ways to start incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. And when you're outside, not only are you being active, but you are also breathing in the benefits of some fresh air!

Here in the School Counseling Center and the Student Health Office, we love to motivate each other through step challenges and hourly step goals, but here are some other ways we like to be active outside...

Mrs. Towne likes to walk to a park near her house and toss a Frisbee with her husband. She also loves to walk to her favorite cafe and read on their outside patio.

Mrs. Hefez just got a new puppy, so she has been enjoying taking him for walks and playing with him outside. She also likes to play games with her nephews's great to get them out of the house!

Mrs. Fagan enjoys going for long hikes on the weekends and she takes her dog for walks every evening. She also loves to garden and can't wait until she has fresh vegetables right in her backyard!

Ms. Pittsley also has two puppies that she likes to walk every afternoon, she likes to take bike rides and once the weather gets really warm, she loves to swim in her pool.

Mrs. Larrecey also likes to hike, garden, and travel during the warmer months.

Mrs. Gauthier also likes to walk every day, take hikes, and garden.

Mrs. Grady enjoys all activities that involve the outdoors...her favorites are walking, boating, and fishing.

While it is important to be is also important to remember to wear sunscreen and bug spray when you are going to be spending time outside. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends wearing sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 and it should be reapplied every 2 hours. The sun's rays are strongest between 10:00am and 4:00pm so if you plan on being outside during those hours, it is especially important to reapply your sunscreen and seek shade when necessary.

Take advantage of the nice weather and be well!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Nipmuc School Counseling Center News - April

The school year is flying by and spring is finally on its way...we think! In the School Counseling Center, we just finished up our spring Wellness Week and course registration for next year is ongoing.  Springtime also means scholarship season for seniors who are going to college next year.  Seniors should check the scholarship list in Naviance often as new scholarships are posted almost every day.

Coming up in April…

April 1: The last day of Spring Wellness Week: Students participated in advisory activities and therapy dogs were in the building! Click here to see some highlights from the week!

April 7: Community iFair at Nipmuc (5:45-8pm): The Community iFair is designed to bring the entire Mendon and Upton communities together to get excited about technology! All technology sessions and showcases are offered this evening by Mendon-Upton educators, staff, supporters, and students.  Technology sessions are a combination of presentation and practice and will be held in classrooms. Our technology showcases will be set up throughout the lobby, hallways, and the media center. These showcases allow you to experience hands-on technology, see best practices in action, and have your technology questions answered.

April 8: Deadline to register for the May SAT:

April 9: ACT: Good luck to those students taking the test! There will be another ACT given on June 11.  Visit to register.

April 15: Counselors will be wrapping up individual meetings with students for course registration. Students should take a look at the Program of Studies and the course selection sheet before meeting with their counselors. Both documents are available on our School Counseling blog.  Individual meetings will also include starting a Wellness Plan.

April 18-22: April Vacation - have fun and be safe!

Reminder to seniors and parents of seniors: All scholarship opportunities are posted in Naviance. More are posted each day and deadlines are starting to come up. Please submit your applications to Mrs. Hefez by the Naviance deadlines!