Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kaplan SAT Prep Course at Nipmuc Regional

Kaplan Test Prep is offering an SAT Prep Course at Nipmuc Regional High School starting on May 6th.  The class will be held Tue/Thu at 5:30pm.  To register please visit

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Barbara Jones Memorial Scholarship

 The Barbara Jones Memorial Scholarship is available to students in the Blackstone Valley planning to pursue an education/career in restaurant management, culinary arts, resort management or related field.  Applications must be postmarked by Monday, May 19, 2014.
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Sophomore Interview Month at Siena College

Introducing Sophomore Interview Month at Siena College

This May, Siena College is inviting high school sophomores to campus for their first college interview. A wonderful way to become acquainted with the college search in a welcoming and relaxed setting, this is an opportunity for your students to:
  • Meet an admissions counselor
  • Become comfortable with the interview format
  • Ask questions about the college search process
  • Begin thinking about the college “fit”
  • Understand the importance of their current academic choices
Sophomore interviews will be conducted Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. throughout the month of May. Appointments can be made online at or by phone at 1-888-AT-SIENA.

Apply to YoungArts Program

A Message From Robert Redford About YoungArts
There is a moment in any young artist’s life where they ask the question: am I good enough? In that moment of crisis, they need encouragement to follow their dream; they need a mentor who can tell them that yes, they are good enough; another artist to tell them that their talent is real. It took me a long time to be as focused, as sure, and as committed as I am today as an artist. If it weren’t for the mentors who led me through my moments of doubt, I would not be where I am today.

As a YoungArts Master Teacher, I have personally seen how YoungArts has helped foster the exceptional talent of young artists who come through the YoungArts program. I have seen this not only through the mentorship the program provides, but also through the amazing opportunities they give to these young artists, such as:

•    cash awards of up to $10,000 ($500,000+ awarded each year)
•    facilitating access to significant scholarships from colleges
     (approximately $75 million in the past two years)
•    an exclusive path to nomination as a U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts
•    lifetime access to career opportunities and a network of 20,000+ alumni
•    a chance to appear on the Emmy-nominated HBO series YoungArts MasterClass

If you know any literary, visual, design or performing artists (ages 15-18 or grades 10-12) in your school, I urge you to encourage them to apply to this life-changing program. For more information on the application process, visit

This short video, featuring alumni and master teachers such as Josh Groban, Judith Hill, Andrew Rannells, Wynton Marsalis, Frank Gehry and Renée Fleming, says it all.